Losing Faith in humanity one person at a time.
On Mother Hoodlum's blog (see link at left) she received the following comment:
You have an interesting website. The pictures of your little boy are adorable but it concerns me that you ( his mother) have such a "potty mouth". I contribute it to you being young and uneducated. Educated people with "sense" about themselves refrain from using profanity to get their point across. You certainly do have a "chip" on yuor shoulder. I made reference to "sense" because you obviously lack much due to all the tattoos that you have chosen to decorate your body with. It is sad to say that your son will be penalized for it. "trash breads trash"~I hope that you do some soul searching for the sake of your little boy. Not many parents want to have their child around people with tattoos out the ying yang~ so that will limit your little boy. Get the chip off your shoulder ( you said you had one on your website) and and clean up your act.
I am appalled. I don't know who this brave "anonymous" writer is but I feel the need to respond. I am an educated, undecorated (not a single tattoo or non-ear piercing) mother of two beautiful children who are the delight of my life. I am deeply spiritual. That said... it took me less than a paragraph to discover one more ignorant bitch in this world who is self-righteously raising children to be either hatemongers or disfunctional. While we are on the subject of disfunctional, hatemongering self-righteous bitches let me just point out that you have got to be pretty stupid to accuse someone of being uneducated and then not even spell check your god-damn post.
This dumb plug's comment has inspired me to begin a top five list of the stupidest blog comments ever. I have begun this list on my links at left. If you would like to contribute to my list please send me a post.
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