Monday, August 30

Whose band is it?

Well, I finally found my cool brother in law.
He is cooler than I could ever hope to be. (play sad, self pity music here).
I cut my hair tonight. Occasionally (like on nights like tonight) I feel the need to change and since I can't shed 40 lbs over night I cut my hair. So while I am still overweight I look a little different. My children are cracking me up today. I tell them I'm going to cut my hair and they both say "good!" and I laugh. They seem thrilled that I am going to do something with it (keeping in mind that they are 5 and 2.5). So I cut it and then they laugh. My oldest says "ha ha we tricked you" and my baby says "silly mommy". They are so tickled that they have tricked me into cutting my hair that I can't get them to calm down to sleep. They are holding their guts laughing and reassuring me that it will grow out (this is a direct result of my oldest cutting her bangs all by herself right at the scalp a while ago, I told her every day not to worry because it would grow out).
I have always had a laid back attitude when it comes to hair. Mine or anyone else's. As long as it's clean I couldn't care less. My kids dad (god rest his dearly departed mind) is the same way. He figures that if the kids want to die their hair blue more's the better. I think you should get it out of your system while you're young and it's fixable rather than regret that you never did it when you look back at your youth while you slave away at a thankless job in some prairie dog cubicle city. Or worse yet when you are older and your hair follicles cannot stand the stress so they dive screaming from your head while you shower one morning. I want my kids to feel free to be themselves just like everybody else. Or more precisely to be the individuals that they are that look just like all the other disenfranchised youth of their generation. It's good to be consistent.

Still no word from my current whoseband (it has now been so long since I've seen him I don't know if I could pick him out in a crowd of husbands except I suppose he would be the one pointedly not looking at me and when everyone had been matched up they would call out "whose band is this?") I don't know whose band he is but I am beginning to prefer Billy Joel which is as everyone knows is a sign of severe depression or mental collapse. I have begun an intervention on myself and am mainlining Concrete Blond, Nine inch Nails, the Cure, Depeche Mode and a host of other bands which while being fabulously suited for listening to while angry and depressed do not lead to suicide, self destruction, or mullets.
I am trying to focus on the positives....I still have my health.....umm not so much. Ok... there are other fish in the sea... piranas, shark, eels, guppies... Ok how least living at my parents house I never have to clean up dog shit or man piss. Now that's a good one. And of course I have my children, who really are the sweetness and the light. Right now, I feel pretty damn lucky.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger darth sardonic said...

you found me!! now we can swap comments on each other's rants. i don't know if you noticed, but i have a small "following" of stay-home moms in the area. you should check out their blogs, esp mother hoodlum, she cracks poe up.
anyways, it is very late, and i have been a pissy little bitchy grouch for the majority of the evening, so i expect i must toddle my tired ass off to bed.
talk to you soon,


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