PC=politically correct or patronizing crap
I am annoyed at the idiocy which is rampant in the election this year. Par the norm, both candidates suck but this is prepubescent name calling. The Swift Boat guys have every right to say whatever they want and if I were Bush I would give them money as long as they promised not to let it effect their message. It's call free speech which we pay dearly for in this modern age. Kerry's clique though wants Bush to denounce them specifically, It's not enough for him to say that he feels Kerry's war record it worthy of honor and respect and that he doesn't attack him for it. He has to denounce those that do question it. Kerry though doesn't need to denounce the naked protestors in Washington or the MoveOn.org or any of the other miriad groups which have taken on Bush bashing with vigor and lust. Which I suppose would be a substantial group of people if the context is left to the imagination.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...
A coworker of mine is going to pray for me. She harrassed me about having epilepsy and then said she would pray for me. I find this shocking because while I am a huge believer in the power of prayer it somehow feels less effective when left up to a hypcrite. She was insulting. She laughed when she found out I had epilepsy, made jokes about flopping around and putting me in a tub filled with heavy whipping cream so I could make myself useful before dessert was served. All in all very low brow humor. Then she says to me, "hey..no offence" Well, my dear I am so glad that you haven't been offended. I don't think you can act like a complete ass and then dismiss it with a "no offence" What has our society become that we are at once cruel and overly sensitive. If I had retorted that it must be difficult for her to have to cope with hair as bad as hers. It would have been insulting and cruel and hurtful. I would have been labeled a complete bitch. But she makes ignorant jokes about my epilepsy and I spend the day listening to peope reassure me that I shouldn't be offended because "she meant nothing by it". So hair is hurtful and petty and disabilites are funny and open to comment without "meaning anything" Are we a society which "means nothing". Our word is no longer our a measure of how good we are but merely a way to insure that the silence is kept at bay. How does the PC environment where everything have to be a certain way, hell you can't even watch all the old Bugs Bunny cartoons because some of them are "racially insensitive" but we are cruel beyond belief. We watch the news where the camera focusses on the tear stained face of a screaming woman whose child has been killed. we watch reality shows to laugh at the people who put themselves into these revolting situations, and then laugh while they puke, kiss, fuck, lie, cheat, and bargain in full view of millions. And yet it is cruel to be critical of one person's look or mannerisms straight to their face. But epilepsy, now that's funny.
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